Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today is the day! Say this everyday!

For 36 years my life has been based in fear, and right now I am in the process of changing that.  From now on I want my life to be based on LOVE! 

I have been:
afraid to fail
afraid to suceed
afraid to trust 
afraid people won't like me
afriad people will like me
afraid I'll lose the weight the wrong way
afraid I'll never lose the weight

this list could go on forever, but then where would we be?

 So instead: today, I am choosing to believe in LOVE.  Marriane Williamson states "that the spirit of fear is love inverted". Well I am ready to turn fear on it's head!

I have been thinking for a long time about starting a blog.  For all the reasons one would want to start a blog.   To have a voice (but what would I say), to connect with people (but what if they hate me), to chronicle my journey through life (what makes me think I'm so important that someone would care), to supplement my income (I could never come up with a product, and if I did who would buy it).    

You get my drift? Does your inner monologue sound anything like this?

 Today is the day!

No more excuses (___________)   No more fear of the unknown.  I am choosing today to begin this journey of LOVE, and I would LOVE to share it with you. Already I can feel that part of this journey for me, will be to share it with others.  Who knows what will happen? It might be really, really great! In fact I bet it will be! Why would I believe anything less than that?

I began this journey of self discovery in November out of self preservation, and desperation (but more on that later). Little did I know I was veering off the path of fear, or how quickly my life would change, or how excited I would be to continue blazing ahead.  Here I am, today, doing something I was afraid to do and I am looking forward to sharing as the journey continues.   

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