Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Writing Resumes and Cover Letters Doesn't Have to Suck......the Life Out of You.

I feel like a little back story is necessary in order to move forward.

I was born on a Friday in July..........just kidding!

 I think this story can begin with the decision that my Fiancee' and I made late in 2012.  We decided it would be in our best interest if I got a "real" job.  I had been self employed for nearly 12 years and have been floundering with what to do with my life after closing up shop in 2011.

And so I began the tedious, thankless, and depressing task of looking for a job......

Before I knew it, I found myself totally, & utterly depressed.  None of my old tricks worked to pull myself together. I was crying about everything, and when I tried to verbalize it the despair was too much. So much so that Chris, (the fiancee) recommended I seek a professionals assistance with this deep sadness.  Chris and I have an amazing 8 year history of being able to work together, and help each other out through hard times, but this was too much. My man was tapping out, I knew it was bad.

But then......

As I reworked  my resume for the umpteenth time, in an effort to stall the inevitable cover letter conundrum of creating a concise yet personal letter, one which conveyed simultaneously; my amazing, results producing, time perfected skills, blended seamlessly with each individual job description. I sobbed, I stalled, I stumbled across this video  http://www.lemonademovie.com/   and then I had a break through!

 This did not have to be a miserable process, and greatly reduced the likely hood of me getting hired anywhere if it were. So I decided, until I could do all this work, with out crying my eyes out and hating every minute,  I needed to reset and take some time to figure out how to appreciate me, so that I could move forward and share my qualities to potential employers with confidence. So instead of feeling worse about not getting my resume submitted, I shifted my focus, and decided to do whatever I could to feel good, so that I could get to the place where I would be able to submit my resume freely and with conviction. Because I wanted to, and not because I had to.

 I went to the library website, and ordered a bunch of confidence self help books/DVD including: Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, Paul McKenna's Change Your Life in 7 Days,& Marianne Williamson's, A Return to Love.  These books and DVD helped me to see what I had been missing all these years. This began my actual journey to discovering what a shift in thinking can produce.  I am still learning to trust the process, but since November my eyes have been opened to all the world is trying to offer.  I can see now that it is just a matter of opening your heart to LOVE instead of fear accept the bounty that is waiting for you.  I am no longer depressed, and now I usually fall into the category of over-joyed! I am in awe of my life since that fateful day in November when I flipped the switch of discovery. I would have never have believed it, but now I wake up each day wondering what amazing things will be presented to me today!  The universe has been providing for me in the most miraculous of ways.  But more on that later.......